Saturday, 18 February 2012

One Direction

Zayn Malik

First of all I've just gotta say this, but I'm sooooo proud of myself for Finally Getting more regular with blogging! :D *YAY ME* Ok, enough of the self love :p
I have an obsession with the most amazing band--> One Direction! Ok well actually I have an obsession with a singer in it--> Zayn Malik.!.!.! ♥♥♥♥♥♥ (times infinity)
I think you get my love for him :p  But trust me if you see him U'll be like WOAH! xD
And hence I shall give you the chance to experience the hottness of this guy ;)
Haha. Well Yeah, Now its time for his sexy pics and videos and blaah blaah blaah

And another one... ;)

And Some Epic Pictures :P
Zayn Malik shirt off
Sigh. ♥
Zayn Malik
Pote xD

Zayn Malik

OK! Now I leave you all to crave over his sexiness ;)
Addios Amigos!  


Ok guys, before I say anything I'd just like to, actually no, correction--> I NEED to apologize for being THE WORST blogger possible! I guess I just don't have the blogger-thingy (yes I just made a new word) in me, but I am going to work on it and seriously try to blog regularly.
Anyway, moving on... lately my life has just been a constant routine of school-tests-sleep-school-tests-sleep-school-tests-sleep etc. I think you get the point :p
So, I was watching TV the other day and I came across an old episode from *So you think you can dance* #BEST SHOW EVER! And I just totally felt inspired to choreograph a dance on 'Slowdance on the Inside (really awesome song btw)   And its surprisingly its actually working out well..! Anyway, just incase you don't know this song listen to it:  (duuh) ;)

Loads Of Love xx :)