Monday, 28 November 2011

Live a bit, Dream the rest ♥

Hey Guys!
Sorry I haven't been posting in a while, never got time, EXAMS! Ugh.
Oh well, only 3 left now, so I am a bit relaxed, except for the fact that I have a Science exam tomorrow, and science aint uh...My strong subject I could say :P
 Well I would firstly really like to thank my awesome friend Tawanda for writing a really beautiful poem for me, "Free Bird". To check it out go to:

Anyway just wanna spread the love to all my viewers love you all :)

I'm no writer but I wrote a short poem about love, hope you guys like it  ♥ 

Love is diamond with no price tag on,
Some people buy it, others live it;

Love is friendship with a stronger bond
Some people are fortunate to  have both;

Love is a magical world except it comes in reality
Some people dream it, others live it;

Love is a four letter word, with a meaning 4 billion times more
Some people find it, others wander around, searching for it. 

I know this is a really old song but I just looovve it: 

Saturday, 19 November 2011

On a lonely day..

Well currently I've been really down due to personal issues and I've just wanted to die....  I had no hope. But then I across some of these quotes and they really made me feel better and gave me hope. So if right now,if everything in your life is falling to pieces, don't give up, because when one door closes, the other opens. Just move on. Hope you like these quotes: 

This song really gave me courage: 

Friday, 11 November 2011

Life In The Third Person

Todays Post is dedicated to my awesome friend Tawanda aka. Butterfly :D
He is an amazing writer and owns his own little *Book Of Wisdom*  which contains really awesome proverbs :)
Also, he has a really cool blog:
Please DO check it out! :P
This is the ONE poem that I really loved of his:

Dreams remain dreams
Reality remains unchanged
Merge your dreams with reality ♥ 

Thursday, 10 November 2011


Yes! I am actually gonna talk about one of the most hated subjects.... MATH :p  Lol!
I just did well in my Math Test. Yes 100% babe! Hence, I am paying a tribute to the one thing which we all technically can't live our lives without. :) 

 If people do not believe that mathematics is simple, it is only because they do not realize how complicated life is.  ~John Louis von Neumann

The Man Who Created *0* was the genius of em’all. 

And now for a little maths trick question: 

What comes next in the following sequence:  1,4,5,6,7,9,11. ? 
(Lemme know if you get it) ;] 


Monday, 7 November 2011

Music Is The Way ♥

Ok, so today's theme: MUSIC! =D I actually have a valid reason for it, I havemy paino exam today! And I am super scared so I'm trying to *tune myself* into the music zone! I shall share some awesome
pics on music and some music videos
    P.S. Check out my music page
     XOXO ♥

Quote: Music is the poetry of the air- Richter 

There's music in the sighing of a reed;
There's music in the gushing of a rill;
There's music in all things, if men had ears:
Their earth is but an echo of the spheres.
~Lord Byron

 Wish me Luck! xx

Sunday, 6 November 2011

Guy Fawks!

Okay, so Guy Fawks here is always a huge deal. People go crazy, like seriously CRAZY! :) haha! And this year's guy fawks was beyond amazing! Im just gonna share some fun pics I took with all my friends, also I'm gonna share sum of the spacttaclur pics of the fireworks I was lucky enough to capture.
Enjoy! ♥ xoxo 


Wednesday, 2 November 2011

Happy Halloween!!

Happy Halloween Everyone!!
Hope you had a FANTASTIC Halloween :)
Oh and I have a little something for all my followers..
If you dressed into an awesome costume for Halloween and if you think
its good, take a snap of yourself and send it to my email:
I then, shall choose the person who was best dressed and I will advertise your blog and
write a personal post just about it here. :)
Please Try It!! :D

Paradise ♥

Coldplay Rocks!! And so does this song! Haha.
Hope you guys enjoy xx